Thursday, February 10, 2011

Greetings from Florida

WOW, i can't believe how long it's been since I updated the blog, sorry about that! Well let's see what's been going on...
First of all, Emmy and I spent a lovely 5, turned into 8 days in Florida with my parents. We went down and then had our flight cancelled due to the weather and ended up staying 3 extra days. No complaints by me except we did miss Andy! While in Florida we went to an aquarium, the beach and the pool. Emily LOVES the pool even more so than she did in the past. It seems each time we go she gets even more and more excited. They have a small ledge with a waterfall and she would just sit next to this for hours if I would let her and splash in the water. The only reason she would ever ask to get out was so she could have a snack. If only you could eat in the pool, that would be the life!

So the pool was a huge success, the beach however, not so much. I was so excited to take her to the beach that as soon as we got there, off went the shoes and off shells hunting I thought we would go. Well off came the shoes and then came the tears. I think she hated the feeling of the sand in her toes that she freaked and would only sit on her lounge chair our my lap the rest of the time. Slowly, she would begin to touch the shells, but only if they had no sand on them, where did this girl come from?!?! Anyway, hopefully next time if I leave her shoes on she'll have more fun, but I'm not holding my breathe on this one.

The other highlight of our trip for Emmy was Mimi's iPad. She can now very clearly say iPad and would ask for it each and every morning as soon as she woke up. This would sometimes come even before asking to eat, which for this girl, is usually unheard of. Mimi downloaded some new apps and she loves them and is actually getting very good at using it, it's amazing and scary all at the same time. She even showed a woman sitting next to Mimi on the plane, how to use hers!

Can't wait until we are back in the sun!

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