Thursday, February 10, 2011

Old McDonald had an Emma????

Emmy has a new favorite song, it's Old McDonald, however if you ask her what animal is on the farm, she will 90% of the time say, Emma. You may ask yourself, who is Emma? Your guess is as good as mine. If you ask Emmy who Emma is she says, baby. She does have a little friend named Emma, but we don't see her very often and she is certainly not a baby. She does, however, LOVE Emma and calls her almost daily on the phone. I believe the little one already has an imagination friend. Hopefully one day we'll have a better idea of what this really means :)

So there are more updates in the world of Emmy that I believe I must share. I'm sure she'll kick me for posting these next two updates when she's older, so until then, I'll just keep on writing...

So Andy has always said that no matter how old you are, farts are funny and always will be (I'm sure Nana & PJimmy are so proud right now). I accepted this but never imagined a 19 month old would also share this same philosophy. Well, to my surprise, she has! Emmy thinks her farts (or toots, as we call them) are very funny, in fact hysterical! She

Oh and one last update! Since I posted about being so proud of poop, we didn't have much potty poop going on in this house. I would always ask her if she wanted to go, but wasn't really into it. Well something must have changed in the fast few days because now she is totally into it again. I proudly say Emmy went poop and pee on the potty this morning and pee again tonight before bed, wahooo!!! Oh the little joys in life!

And to end off on a silly note, here is a funny video we made the other morning. The girl has quite a sense of humor...

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