Saturday, July 31, 2010

Swimming and Standing!

We had a nice trip to PA last weekend, but unfortunately couldn't see any visitors other than a few adults while we were down there because Emily was still recovering from her second strain of the cocksackievirus. She had, had a slight fever earlier in the week and then a few more sores on her finger, but thankfully she didn't seem to be in too much discomfort.

While in PA we were able to spend some time with Emily's Great-Grandpa and he was so happy to see her. She must have loved his place too because she couldn't stop standing up and even taking a few steps. Previously, she had taken a few steps but she hadn't perfected standing up on her own. Well, while at Grandpa's she must have done it 30 separate times and each time would look to everyone for approval, it was adorable. She was SO proud of herself!

The weather was really hot and humid so luckily we were able to spend a few hours at a friend's pool, thank you Glenn & Linda! Emily LOVES the water!

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