Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm Back!

I guess "running" after a 1 year old is as much more work as everyone said it would be. Emily isn't walking yet, but has taken a few steps and continues to stand on her own for seconds even minutes at a time. Even though she isn't walking yet, she is on the move and now getting in to everything and wanting to play all day long.

We were busy from the birthday festivities and enjoying the outdoors, but are back after our brief and not intentional hiatus. Just because she is 1 doesn't mean the posts will end, so please continue to check back and follow along on our adventures.

With Love,

Jess & Emily

1 comment:

  1. Loving your baby girl! Henry misses his girlfriend, too. Henry signs "more" and "all done" - so they can sign together. Although, you may want to teach Em "all done" so when Henry is crawling all over her, she can say "all done"! :) When can we play again?!
