Wednesday, June 30, 2010

St. Rose Carnival

This week was the annual carnival here in town and I couldn't wait to take Emily for the first time. I have been going to this carnival since I was little and always loved it, so it was amazing to finally be able to bring her. The carnival was a week earlier this year, but last year Andy and I went on Friday, July 3rd and walked and ate, in hopes to get my labor started. This year we walked and ate, but pushing a stroller! We went with her two friends from our playgroup, we all thought if we went together that they would be more into it and we were right! They had a blast!

Getting ready to ride Dumbo

Riding the Dizzy Dragon (don't worry we didn't spin it)

more raspberries...

Her friend Evan's dad is a fireman so Em and Daddy got to sit in the truck.
I'm not sure who liked it more, Emily or Andy!

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