Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A little farm action and some teeth!

Emily and I went to Silverman Farm today in Monroe and had a great time. The rain held off which I was so happy about because I was really looking forward to Emily's first visit to see the animals. This farm is small, but really cute and we were able to see and feed goats, sheep, deer, bison, antelope, donkeys, roosters and pigs. The donkey was Emily's favorite because he was definitely playing the crowd. He came right over when he saw us and rested his head on the fence so we could pet him. She was loving it, and couldn't stop giggling with excitement. Looking forward to go back soon!

Also, big news on the teeth front...she is getting a molar! I couldn't believe it when I saw a little white spot in the back of her mouth. So far we are up to 9 teeth (including the molar that's coming in). My dad joked that she will be in braces by the time she's 3, I'm starting to believe that will be true!

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