Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My tiny baby is not so tiny anymore!

Our old neighbors were coming over for dinner tonight and they have a new 1 month old baby girl so I brought out a few of Em's things from when she was a tiny baby. One of them being the bouncy seat, which she oddly enough, took a strong interest in. I guess I shouldn't have put it away all this time!

For a frame of reference, this is what she looked like 11 months ago in this same seat!

St. Rose Carnival

This week was the annual carnival here in town and I couldn't wait to take Emily for the first time. I have been going to this carnival since I was little and always loved it, so it was amazing to finally be able to bring her. The carnival was a week earlier this year, but last year Andy and I went on Friday, July 3rd and walked and ate, in hopes to get my labor started. This year we walked and ate, but pushing a stroller! We went with her two friends from our playgroup, we all thought if we went together that they would be more into it and we were right! They had a blast!

Getting ready to ride Dumbo

Riding the Dizzy Dragon (don't worry we didn't spin it)

more raspberries...

Her friend Evan's dad is a fireman so Em and Daddy got to sit in the truck.
I'm not sure who liked it more, Emily or Andy!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My new not-so-mom mobile!

I'm still not sure how we managed to pull this one off, but Andy and I traded in my Highlander for a 4Runner today and I still had 2 more years left on the lease. Andy and I befriend the general manager of Toyota a few years ago and he has always been great to us. I originally loved my Highlander but recently decided it really wasn't enough space for me and that I really missed my big truck. Well to much disbelieve we picked up the new car today and I am SOOO happy. I'm excited that Emmy and I will be driving around in style. Andy's car is also up so we dropped that off and now we are off to search for him, I'll keep you posted. Emmy had a fun time today sitting in all the cars and pretending to drive.

I know she looks like she wants to get out, but she was really having fun, I promise :)

Driving with dad

Making stew...

Emily plays all day long and when I say all day I mean from the moment she wakes up (at 5:30AM, might I add) until the moment she goes to bed. She usually wants me to play with her but every now and then she will play by herself, but always makes sure I am within eye-shot. It's so sweet to watch her explore and entertain herself.

Well, this afternoon she wasn't just playing with me, she was actually starting to play "pretend" and I couldn't believe it. She loves to play with her toy basket and frequently dumps all the toys out and then loves to put them all back in. Well today, after she dumped all the toys out I ask her if she wanted to make a stew. Rabbit stew, in fact, poor Peter! She proceeded to put Pete in the basket along with a few other essential stew ingredients including; a lip gloss, wrist rattle, and fake can of pineapple juice (I know, I will stop your mouths are probably watering at the very thought). Well she stirred that stew right up with her wooden spoon and wouldn't you know she took a sip! Normally, she loves to play with her wooden spoons but that means using them to drum or trying to eat them, never actually for anything even related to there intended purpose, I couldn't believe it! I then asked if Mommy could have a sip of the stew and she put the spoon right up to my mouth, a genius I tell you! She then gave Daddy a few tastes and even Charlie, she is so thoughtful.

I know this story may sound silly, but I feel like this was such a huge milestone in her development that I just had to share. Spoken like a proud Mama...

Best Friends!

Sandra and I took the girls to the park yesterday and it was a beautiful day. A little overcast, no humidity, just wonderful! The girls hadn't seen each other in about 3 weeks so they were so excitedto spend time together. They had a great time, as always, and managed to make a HUGE mess of their lunch all over the blanket, I guess that's why washing machines were invented :)

Best Friends!

Hugs for each other

It may look like a head-lock, but Payton was really trying to hug her!

Holding hands...

What do you have there my friend?

Hanging with Mom and Dad

I always work on Tuesday nights for a few hours and the past few Tuesday's Andy has taken Em to the park for a little bit just to get out of the house. We always seem to be at the park on separate days so it was nice to finally be there together.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Walking....with assistance!

A little farm action and some teeth!

Emily and I went to Silverman Farm today in Monroe and had a great time. The rain held off which I was so happy about because I was really looking forward to Emily's first visit to see the animals. This farm is small, but really cute and we were able to see and feed goats, sheep, deer, bison, antelope, donkeys, roosters and pigs. The donkey was Emily's favorite because he was definitely playing the crowd. He came right over when he saw us and rested his head on the fence so we could pet him. She was loving it, and couldn't stop giggling with excitement. Looking forward to go back soon!

Also, big news on the teeth front...she is getting a molar! I couldn't believe it when I saw a little white spot in the back of her mouth. So far we are up to 9 teeth (including the molar that's coming in). My dad joked that she will be in braces by the time she's 3, I'm starting to believe that will be true!
Barney is on, did you see, Mom!
Hey guys, let me see too!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

11 Months Old!

11 Months old today, I can't even believe those words are coming out of my mouth...

Everyday Emily is becoming more and more of a little person. She has her own personality that is very clearly coming out. She has likes and dislikes and can communicate her needs pretty well. We have been working on her sign language, but so far the only true sign she can do is "more" and even that looks like clapping, but she certainly gets her point across. She actually does this sign when she wants to eat, as well as when she wants more of something, and it has become extremely helpful. I am actually very proud of myself because for the most part I always seem to know what she is looking for, I guess non-verbal communication is truly a wonderful thing!

She is so curious about life and wants to smell and touch everything, and I mean everything - the trees, flowers, Charlie's water dish, remotes, phones, clothes, you name it, she wants it. It's so wonderful to see the smile on her face as she explores something new and the amazement you can see in her eyes. Shopping and errands have become a bit more difficult as she wants to grab everything and after a few second usually just ends up throwing it out of the cart (I am trying to work on this, but am not having much success). And if you will remember from previous blogs about her great arm, well yes, this great arm is usually in rare form especially in the grocery store, oy!

I have come to learn that Emily is a very sensitive and caring person as well. She gets upset if she thinks she upset or hurt me in anyway, which is so sweet and I remember feeling the same way about my mom. The other day she hit me in the head with the phone as she was trying to give it to me to talk and I said "Ouch" just at of habit and because it really did hurt. Well she burst into tears and was so upset. I felt sad that she felt sad, but happy that hopefully she will grow up to be a kind and compassionate person.

Over the past few days she has also become quite the talker and she is constantly experimenting with different sounds. We now wake up in the morning to the sounds of her babbling and talking which is SO much cuter than crying and whining, especially because it's usually at 5:15 AM! I will even catch her in the car, having complete conversations with her stuffed animals. She has started saying dada, haa (hot or hat), lala, baba (not sure what these mean) and continues to say mama, nana, yaya and of course HI, a lot!

She has also started blowing kisses, waving goodbye and when you ask her to hug or if she loves her stuffed animal, baby, etc. she will lift it up and hold it next to her head to hug them. It's so sweet!

For the past week or so every so often I catch her standing and not holding on to anything! The first time I did a double take, even had to rub my eyes for a second, before I realized my eyes weren’t deceiving me, she was, in fact, just standing there. It lasted for about 10 seconds or so, but it felt like a good 10 minutes to me! She has done it a few times since, but hasn’t tried taking any steps on her own yet, but trust me I am in no hurry! For now I am perfectly content with the standing, I know before long we will be on the go!

Showing off her standing...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Vote For Emmy!

I know I have mentioned before that Emily loves to say Hi, but I'm not sure you really understand the extent. She literally says hi to everyone and everything (especially animals) that she sees, sometimes saying it numerous times until they say hi back. We always joke that she is running for Mayor (like father-like daughter) so while in Florida, Uncle Jared ordered her this onesie. It's so appropriate and she sports it with pride!

She was doing raspberries while taking this picture, which explains the face!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Picture Fun with Mommy!

Kissing the baby (or more like licking the window)

Cheese :)

Playing peek-a-boo

I'm going to get you mommy...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Big Girl Car Seat!

It was long overdue but we finally installed Emily's "big girl" car seat yesterday. She looks so grown-up in it, I can't believe it. I think she was enjoying the extra space and she even took a little snooze on our way home so I guess it's a winner :)

Pool Fun

We have been so lucky to spend a few days basking in the sun at our friend Sandra & Payton's house and also at the Country Club my parents belong to. Emily is loving the water and it's so much fun. She loves to splash and kick and has even wanted to start putting her face in the water. She tries to blow bubbles and copy what you do, but at this point it just means she drinks the pool water. We'll get there soon enough, but for now I'm just so proud at how brave she is.

Matching floats for the girls!

Waiting to go swimming with Mimi

Visit with the Girls!

We were so lucky to spend the entire weekend with my 3 best friends from growing up, Erin, Cassie & Lisa. I finally had a chance to post the pictures, but we had a great time, playing and relaxing. It was so fun to have Emily spend time with the girls and for them to get to meet/see her and have a glimpse into our lives. We hope they'll come visit again soon!

She's one of the girls!

Bedtime stories with Cassie

Showing off her pretty dress (thank you Jessie)

Meeting Cassie for the first time!