11 Months old today, I can't even believe those words are coming out of my mouth...
Everyday Emily is becoming more and more of a little person. She has her own personality that is very clearly coming out. She has likes and dislikes and can communicate her needs pretty well. We have been working on her sign language, but so far the only true sign she can do is "more" and even that looks like clapping, but she certainly gets her point across. She actually does this sign when she wants to eat, as well as when she wants more of something, and it has become extremely helpful. I am actually very proud of myself because for the most part I always seem to know what she is looking for, I guess non-verbal communication is truly a wonderful thing!
She is so curious about life and wants to smell and touch everything, and I mean everything - the trees, flowers, Charlie's water dish, remotes, phones, clothes, you name it, she wants it. It's so wonderful to see the smile on her face as she explores something new and the amazement you can see in her eyes. Shopping and errands have become a bit more difficult as she wants to grab everything and after a few second usually just ends up throwing it out of the cart (I am trying to work on this, but am not having much success). And if you will remember from previous blogs about her great arm, well yes, this great arm is usually in rare form especially in the grocery store,
I have come to learn that Emily is a very sensitive and caring person as well. She gets upset if she thinks she upset or hurt me in anyway, which is so sweet and I remember feeling the same way about my mom. The other day she hit me in the head with the phone as she was trying to give it to me to talk and I said "Ouch" just at of habit and because it really did hurt. Well she burst into tears and was so upset. I felt sad that she felt sad, but happy that hopefully she will grow up to be a kind and compassionate person.
Over the past few days she has also become quite the talker and she is constantly experimenting with different sounds. We now wake up in the morning to the sounds of her babbling and talking which is SO much cuter than crying and whining, especially because it's usually at 5:15 AM! I will even catch her in the car, having complete conversations with her stuffed animals. She has started saying
haa (hot or hat),
baba (not sure what these mean) and continues to say mama,
yaya and of course HI, a lot!
She has also started blowing kisses, waving goodbye and when you ask her to hug or if she loves her stuffed animal, baby, etc. she will lift it up and hold it next to her head to hug them. It's so sweet!
For the past week or so every so often I catch her standing and not holding on to anything! The first time I did a double take, even had to rub my eyes for a second, before I realized my eyes
weren’t deceiving me, she was, in fact, just standing there. It lasted for about 10 seconds or so, but it felt like a good 10 minutes to me! She has done it a few times since, but
hasn’t tried taking any steps on her own yet, but trust me I am in no hurry! For now I am perfectly content with the
standing, I know before long we will be on the go!
Showing off her standing...