Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So I have read in a few different places, magazines, books, etc. that you should be careful what you do because all of a sudden you will find your child copying you. Well I thought I had a bit more time, but I guess kids really are sponges. I was sitting on the couch today with Emily on my lap, checking the voicemail on my cell phone, when I look up and see her putting the house phone up to her ear exactly as I was doing. You can imagine the surprise on my face, how the heck does she know to do that? Is this a sign that I talk on the phone too much or is it just a womanly trait that is developed at birth, I would like to think it’s the latter. I then decided to see if I could get her to do it again, so I said Emmy, say hello and sure enough, the phone went right up to her ear! I can only imagine she’ll be asking for a cell phone as soon as she learns to talk!

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