Saturday, September 5, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

We can't believe Emily is already 2 months old today! She has changed so much over the past 2 months that we can't believe it. She is such a happy baby, always smiling, laughing and talking. She rolled over for the first time from her belly to back on Tuesday and has slept 8 hrs at night twice (too bad, her mommy did not).

Since she was born starting this blog was on our list of things to do, but along with many other things it got pushed to the back burner as we navigated our way through parenthood and bonded with our adorable baby girl.

We wish we could go back and write about everything we have experienced thus far, but instead we will just start fresh from here and make a commitment to ourselves and to Emily to keep posting so we will always have this information to look back on. If she is anything like her mom, she will LOVE hearing stories of her childhood, looking at pictures and watching videos.

We hope you enjoy following along on our journey...

With love,

Andy, Jess & Emily

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