Thursday, June 23, 2011

Carnival Time!

Tuesday night we went to our local carnival. Last year we took Em and she had a good time, this year she (and I) had a GREAT time! I took her first on a little dragon ride and she was not happy and a little scared before it started, but it didn't even take one loop around the track for her to be totally into it and having so much fun! She was mad when we had to get off, but I told her there were so many more fun rides to experience including an elephant and with that she was sold. They even had these little bikes that the kids have to ride themselves, which I was positive she wasn't going to do but wanted to let her try anyway. I put her down, walked out of the gate and two seconds later I hear, "mama, mama" with this kind of confused sounding voice. I said, "over here, Em", thinking oh crap I have to go back in and get her. Instead, she looked me dead in the eye, lifts her arm way above her head and says, "Hi, Mama", with a huge smile on her face. This smile stuck with her the rest of the ride as I stood with Andy and my parents in complete amazement. We rode 5-6 other rides, won a nemo stuffed fish in a water squiriting contest and found out she is NOT a fan of cotton candy, which is totally fine by me, but loves carmel apple with peanuts. So much fun! I'm hoping the weather holds out at least one more day this week so we can go back!

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