Emily turned 18 months old today and to celebrate we went to the library and then to the doctor, yes I realize not so fun. She weighs 26.06 oz and is 32 1/2 inches tall. She is in the 70th percentile for both height and weight. She was amazing at the doctor (entertaining everyone in the waiting room while we waited) and as always Dr. Isgut said she was perfect! She loved playing with his stethoscope and didn't even cry for her 2 shots. I had the nurse pretend she was giving me the shots and then she was actually asking for them. She said no to the nurse as she was doing it, but didn't cry one tear, that was until she stumbled a bit and bumped her head on the door on the way out, go figure!
The other day I starting thinking about a few random facts I want to be sure I remember about Emily at this age, so here they go, 18 facts in honor of 18 months....
1. She mostly calls me Mama, but lately, it's been Mamoo
2. When you tell her something is broken, she will hit the back of it, trying to fix the battery, whether it has one or not.
3. She is finally tall enough to open the door (we have lever handles, so it's easier). Not so great when one wants privacy in the bathroom. Mental note... if you ever come to visit, lock the door!
4. Emmy talks in 3rd person more than any person I have ever met. She must say Emmy at least 30 times a day.
5. Emmy likes to hug everything, and I mean everything. When you say we are leaving or say "bye bye" she always asks to give hugs, sometimes it's a bit late, if someone is leaving us, but still sweet none the less. She has now started wanted to hug inanimate objects as well, including the portable dvd player and candy dispenser at the mall (picture below).
6. When she pretends to read, it sounds like Chinese
7. When she hears the garage door open she runs to see daddy and always want to play peek a boo.
8. She LOVES her monkey (blanket she sleeps with). She used to only want monkey in the crib, but now insists on bringing him everywhere and if we forgot him at home, sad, sad girl!
9. Emmy loves music and dancing, she asks to put music on in the morning and whenever she hears it while we're out she starts moving and shaking!
10. Emmy and her baby must eat every meal together. She tells me what to get baby to eat and I even have to feed her and wipe her hands and face when they are done.
11. I know people say there is a special bond between a child and their dog, but this little girl loves her puppy. She calls Charlie Cha, Cha and asks for him from the moment she wakes up.
12. She LOVES to cook.
13. Emmy calls a spoon a buch, (said with a little yiddish accent :) )
14. She remembers everything. You can show her something once and she'll remember it forever and I mean forever, whether you wanted her too or not.
15. If you ask Emmy to say the alphabet, she says A, B and then will repeat C, but as soon as you get to D, she starts laughing.
16. When Emmy says she has to go poo, poo and wants to go on the potty, she will start clapping because that's what we do when she goes.
17. As any little kid likes to do, Emmy loves to dip her food, she was getting a little crazy with the ketchup, so we started giving her olive oil, she LOVES it and requests it (oveloil, as she says) almost daily.
18. There isn't 1 food she doesn't like, she'll even eat salmon & tilapia - now that's a great eater!
Happy 18 Month Birthday, Emmy!