Sunday, December 12, 2010

Babies, Dogs and Bags, oh my!

These days Emily is REALLY, I mean REALLY into dogs, babies and purses. She is completely a stereotypical little girl these days. It amazes me how much she understands about her baby and how much she replicates what we do with her. For Hannukah she got a baby and from the day she opened it the baby went everywhere with her. Not only does she take her out, she likes to change her diaper or "poo, poo" as she likes to call it, and eat almost every meal along side her.

Not only is she into babies, she loves dogs too. Charlie is probably her favorite family member and asks for him from the moment she wakes up. She points dogs out in the car or while we shopping, sometimes before I even see them. Knowing this, Uncle JJ bought her a little toy dog on a leash and not that we were surprised, but it was a HUGE hit. As I said, she loves all dogs but she especially likes to take them for walks on leashes or stand at the window while you take them out. Now that she has her very own dog she loves to bring him for walks, take him out to the bathroom and basically drag him behind her any chance she gets. A few weeks ago while at Mimi and Papa's house, Emmy asked to take her dog outside to go for a walk, Mimi couldn't possibly say no, so out they went!

Any time you ask Emily if she is leaving the room, she'll say bye bye and hold out her wrist, signaling that she needs her purse, it's adorable. While in FL this week, Mimi and I took her to this candy store to pick out an animal bag. She opted against the animal bags and instead picked out a furry purse with a little barking dog to go inside. As soon as she paid, she put it over her shoulder and off we went. I could hear the oohs and ahhs coming from the people sitting outside, at the sight of this little peanut strutting her stuff!

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