Sunday, December 19, 2010

Proud of Poop!

Never in my life did I imagine I would be so proud of poop. Well today I guess my life changed forever! Let me go back a few weeks for you...

Over thanksgiving while Nana Jo was visiting we ran to Target to get Emmy a "big girl potty". She had been showing some interest in using the potty so we decided to buy her a fun potty that had all the bells and whistles, literally, it plays a song when you use it correctly. When we first brought it home, she was ecstatic to play with it but mostly she was just into pulling the toilet paper holder in and out and pretending to flush. A few times she asked to use the potty but didn't actually go, she would just sit for a minute and then move on to another activity.

Before we left for Florida she asked to use the potty so I said, go ahead. I have to admit I was being lazy in that moment not wanting to hassle with taking her diaper off just to put it back on, so I told her to go ahead, not really expecting anything to happen. I turned around for 1 sec and when I turned back around I saw Emmy sitting on the potty actually going poop, I was shocked! A few times after that she would ask to go and I would say let's take your diaper off and she would always so no and then not actually have to go. It was fine with me because I really didn't want to push the issue (no pun intended) since she's only 17 months old.

Well today it has been confirmed that Emmy is a genius! Daddy was off working and Emmy and I were playing in the playroom when she said Mama, "poo poo". This time I just felt like she really need to go, so off we went, into the bathroom, clothes and diaper off and I put her on the potty. She sat for a few seconds and wanted up. I said no Emmy, sit for a few more seconds and all of a sudden she started going. I was clapping and high-fiving her and she was just staring at me like I was crazy. As a reward she got to flush the toilet and use toilet paper, something she has been wanting to do for weeks now. After she was done, I asked her if she wanted to call Daddy and tell him. She ran to the phone and as soon as Daddy answered she said "poo, poo". So cute how proud she was of herself!

Even Emmy's baby got a try at using the potty!

Caught on Film...

You Caught Me!

Smart Girl!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010


This past week we spent time down in Florida with Mimi, Papa, Uncle JJ and Jared's girlfriend, Corey, who Emmy now calls CC. We had a great time relaxing, visiting the Naples Zoo, swimming in the pool (too cold for the beach), shopping and eating. Looking forward to the next trip together...

helping mommy push the stroller, she doesn't like to actually sit in it.
taking a break with Mimi

looking at the alligators with Daddy!

Daddy gives his little girl a lift!

On the boat cruise to see the Monkeys

Emmy loved them!

Kisses for mommy, only because I was blowing bubbles for her with my gum. I'll take it when I can get it!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Her First Sleepover

The other night Emmy and I slept over our friend's Sandra and Payton's house. The dads went to Mohegan Sun for the night with a group of guys and instead of spending a long evening at home alone, we opted for a sleepover instead. I was a little hesitant about having her sleep in a totally new place, but it turned out to be a great idea and the girls had so much fun! They played in Payton's room, and then read books together and once we said it was time for bed, there was no resistance just off to bed they went and we didn't hear another peep after that (hope it's that easy when they are teenagers!)

Since Emmy wakes up earlier than Payton and I didn't want to make noise in the house so we ran out to grab Challah to make french toast for breakfast. As soon as I got Emmy out of her crib she was asking for Pay, Pay (that's what she calls Payton). I quickly explained that she was sleeping and that we were going to run an errand and come back and have breakfast. Well, she did not like that one bit. She burst into tears and cried Pay Pay, the whole way out. I felt terrible because I knew she didn't understand what was happening. We finally made our way back to the house, and Emmy got to wake Payton up by climbing in her crib with her and it wasn't until then that she was completely happy.

It's really adorable to see how much they love each other. They ask for one another almost every day and hug and kiss numerous times when they are together. When they first see each other Payton screams "Emmy" and they run to be together. It's really the cutest thing that I only hope continues into the future...

Sandra sent me an email last night saying she told Payton she was having a sleepover that night (it was really with her Mimi) and to guess who it was with, she said she stopped and thought for a second and then shouted, Emmy! So sweet!

Babies, Dogs and Bags, oh my!

These days Emily is REALLY, I mean REALLY into dogs, babies and purses. She is completely a stereotypical little girl these days. It amazes me how much she understands about her baby and how much she replicates what we do with her. For Hannukah she got a baby and from the day she opened it the baby went everywhere with her. Not only does she take her out, she likes to change her diaper or "poo, poo" as she likes to call it, and eat almost every meal along side her.

Not only is she into babies, she loves dogs too. Charlie is probably her favorite family member and asks for him from the moment she wakes up. She points dogs out in the car or while we shopping, sometimes before I even see them. Knowing this, Uncle JJ bought her a little toy dog on a leash and not that we were surprised, but it was a HUGE hit. As I said, she loves all dogs but she especially likes to take them for walks on leashes or stand at the window while you take them out. Now that she has her very own dog she loves to bring him for walks, take him out to the bathroom and basically drag him behind her any chance she gets. A few weeks ago while at Mimi and Papa's house, Emmy asked to take her dog outside to go for a walk, Mimi couldn't possibly say no, so out they went!

Any time you ask Emily if she is leaving the room, she'll say bye bye and hold out her wrist, signaling that she needs her purse, it's adorable. While in FL this week, Mimi and I took her to this candy store to pick out an animal bag. She opted against the animal bags and instead picked out a furry purse with a little barking dog to go inside. As soon as she paid, she put it over her shoulder and off we went. I could hear the oohs and ahhs coming from the people sitting outside, at the sight of this little peanut strutting her stuff!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My how she has grown!

Emmy has changed so much in the past few weeks that each day I am more and more amazed. She has very distinct likes and dislikes and is not afraid to express them very clearly. I think her new favorite word these days is "no", but she does say it with a very cute voice so it makes it much better to hear ALL DAY LONG. The other day I asked her if she knew how to even say yes and she looked a me with a little attitude and said "YA", like DUH MOM!

She is turning more and more into a little girl and isn't such a baby anymore. Even though she does like to crawl around on the floor sometimes and says baby, baby, because she knows only babies crawl. She has the funniest personality and is so darn cute I can't even stand it. She is very determined, sassy and sweet, all at the same time.

She has been repeating a lot of words these days. The other day I said to Andy, Hey, Babe, can you get me a tissue and I hear to the left of me this little voice say, babe. I thought as long as these were the only words she is repeating (if you know what I mean) we were off to a good start. As fate would have it, before I even had to chance to post this blog, she added a new word to her repertoire. This morning after Papa dropped coffee on the floor and said S**T, she didn't hesitate even a second before saying it right back. Oh boy, we are in trouble!

When I decided to teach her sign language I really just thought it would be for a few words like eat and more so I knew when she was hungry. One day I decided to teach her please and thank you just because she was constantly whining at things and I figured what could be the downside. That was months ago so at the time I didn't really have high expectations for it to be continued. Well it brings me such joy these days when she says and signs (which she does together these days) please and thank you without even being asked. It's certainly not every time, but just the pure fact that she does it at all brings me such a sense of pride in my little lady.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

More to come...I Promise!

Hi All! Sorry for the delay in getting blog posts up but my computer died and I just recently got a new one. I promise to have videos and pictures up soon.


Jess (and Emily)