Saturday, January 9, 2010


On Tuesday, December 22nd we headed down to PA for the annual Sachs Christmakkah celebration. Emily had a fun spending time with Nana Jo, PJimmy & Sara. She was also so lucky to be able to spend time with her Great Grandpa, even getting the grand tour of his complex. We had lunch and Grandpa was so happy to show Emmy off and around. Of course the little lady did not disappoint, she was sharing smiles and laughs with everyone!

Emily also had her first date with Henry Garlits (Andy & Henry's dad grew up together). I could post the pictures myself, but Brooke (Henry's Mom) did such a great job with the commentary, I will just direct you there instead...these are priceless!

Christmas morning we all woke up and did presents! Emily unfortunately missed the first half of opening the presents because she was already taking a nap, but she joined in at the end for some fun. I think she was mostly interested in the wrapping paper, but nonetheless she got some great presents and has been having fun playing with them ever since.

Trying out the new camera!

it even has a smile feature, which works great :)

Emily joining us for dinner

presents, presents and more presents!

Emmy opens presents with Sara...

and Nana Jo!

Emmy with all her presents

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