Every now and then I'll have an, "I'm a Mom" moment and still I can't believe it. Saying the words Mom & Dad never seemed strange to me
because we used it with the dogs so frequently, but hearing daughter or what's your daughter's name still throws me for a loop.
Well, Friday topped the charts for me as an, "Oh Wow, I'm a Mom day". I had a full day planned for Emily & I and I was really looking forward to it. We obviously spend every day together, but for some reason Friday really felt like a "Mom Day" to me.
We started out the morning at our first Music Together class. This is 45 minutes of singing, clapping, dancing, stomping, basically you name it, we did it. The women started off the class by playing the guitar and singing and Emily was
enthralled. She didn't even seem to notice the 10 other crazy children around her, she only had eyes for 1 lady and it wasn't me! It was also an eye opening experience as to the extent parents, in this case, Moms, will go to for a smile or better yet a laugh. Here we were, 10 adult women acting silly and crazy, dancing, hopping like bunnies, clucking like chickens and for not one second did it seem strange. It's like all of a sudden after you become a parent you are given this right to act silly, not just at home, but in public and it's not only okay, it's encouraged!
After class we went home and Em took a LONG and much needed nap and then we met a few other moms and went for a nice walk, taking advantage of the beautiful weather. I had never met these particular women before but they were apart of the
Newtown Moms Club, and we had a great time walking and talking, about babies of course.
My full Mom day then came to an appropriate end with a dinner out with 3 of my other new Mom friends, which was so fun and much needed! Even Moms need a night out here and there and I certainly enjoyed mine!
**Sadly, photos are not allowed to be taken in music class, because it's seen as a distraction, and possibly in this case blackmail, but I will let you use your imagination :)