Tuesday, December 15, 2009

5 Months Old!

I know this posting is a little bit late, but life has been extremely hectic. But no complaints here because luckily it's all been great and lot's of fun. Every day Emily is becoming more and more of a little girl and it's so much fun to watch. She is really into her hands lately, and pulling my hair (I guess I should get it cut!). She is a rolling machine and is using this technique to get where she needs to go or pick up something she wants. She has really been into her exersaucer lately, which is great for me too. I know I can put her in here for a second, leave the room and know she isn't going to go anywhere. She also just got a jumper for Hannukah and while she isn't quite sure what to do in there, she still looks cute trying. She is also starting to mimic facial expressions and sounds. Here is a little clip of Emily at 5 Months Old...

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