Thursday, December 17, 2009

Don't Go Pee Pee

Before bath time, after we get Emily undressed, we always sing this Don't go pee pee song as we are getting ready to transfer her into the tub. Usually we stand her up on the counter and she gets all excited. Well today, we were in the living room for some reason (I guess we were feeling dangerous) and all I can say is, it didn't end so well for Andy. The video tells all! Oh and don't forget to check out those thighs!!!

Rice cereal, mmmmm

I have been going to a Mom's Group through the hospital and I remember a few months ago there was a woman whose daughter was 6 months old and she was in group talking about how she wasn't ready to give her baby solid food. I remember sitting there thinking what is wrong with this lady, it's just solids. Well now I know how she feels... It was really hard for me to start feeding Emily as well and right now we are just doing it every so often. I know it's just liquid rice cereal but she just seems so little to be "eating". Right now I wouldn't call what she is doing eating, anyway, but it's just the principal. She mostly just plays with the spoon, throws it on the floor and makes funny faces, but it's good practice none the less. I'm pretty sure she isn't really a fan, but honestly who would be, have you seen this stuff?!?! I have only fed her twice so we'll give it some time, but if I was her, I would be holding out for the good stuff :)

We are both learning about this eating thing, I let her sock go in the bowl by accident, whoops!

Pretty Girl

Just had to share some pictures of my beautiful baby and I couldn't decide which ones to post so here they all are. But you are visiting this blog on your own free will, which means you want to see them, so I guess it's okay :) Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


We had a very busy Hannukah weekend. We were lucky enough to celebrate the first night in PA with Nana Jo, PJimmy, Sara & Grandpa. Unfortunately Emily goes to bed at 6, so right after the lighting of the candles she was off to bed, but of course got to open her present first. Straight from PA we went to NYC to celebrate Hannukah with my dad's family and of course cousin Julia's 1st Birthday! On Sunday Emily went with Mimi and Papa to the Delaney's for another Hannukah celebration. Unfortunately due to the freak ice storm we had on Sunday afternoon, Andy & I had to miss the festivities, but Emily had a great time!

First night of Hannukah - the present is bigger than me!

Hanging with Mimi

Cousin Julia's 1st Bday

YUM this wrapping paper tastes good!

5 Months Old!

I know this posting is a little bit late, but life has been extremely hectic. But no complaints here because luckily it's all been great and lot's of fun. Every day Emily is becoming more and more of a little girl and it's so much fun to watch. She is really into her hands lately, and pulling my hair (I guess I should get it cut!). She is a rolling machine and is using this technique to get where she needs to go or pick up something she wants. She has really been into her exersaucer lately, which is great for me too. I know I can put her in here for a second, leave the room and know she isn't going to go anywhere. She also just got a jumper for Hannukah and while she isn't quite sure what to do in there, she still looks cute trying. She is also starting to mimic facial expressions and sounds. Here is a little clip of Emily at 5 Months Old...