Friday, November 6, 2009

4 Months Old!

Yesterday, Emily turned 4 months old, crazy how fast the time flies by. As I write this blog I can hear her chatting away in her bed. Andy and I think she and her monkey friend stay up late and have parties and he must be a real comedian because she is always laughing and talking, it's so cute! Yesterday she had more shots, I feel like I do is take her to the doctor, but once again she took them like a champ! The doctor couldn't stop raving about her and said she is going to be a big talker (just like her mommy). She was chatting up a storm through the whole visit and is discovering her voice more and more each day, it's so much fun. She weighed 14.02 ounces and was 25 inches long (75% percentile for both). Luckily her head size was the same, 16 inches, and now is only in the 50% for head, instead of 90%!

Here is Emily at 4 months:

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