Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!!! Emily was very lucky because she had two costumes this year. On Friday she was a strawberry, courtesy of Nana Jo (pictures to follow) and today she was a ladybug and a mighty cute one if I may say so myself. We went to Main Street in town with some friends and walked around with the other little ghosts and goblins. It was really cute to see all of the cute costumes. The weather was kind of gross, but Emily fell asleep 10 minutes into the adventure anyway and missed the whole thing, not that I was surprised. Next year will be fun when she can actually collect candy for Andy and I to eat. This year we were forced to buy our own. After trick or treating I took the tired ladybug home while Jared and Andy went to the store for dinner. I told them to buy a little candy in case we got any trick or treaters. I'm not sure Jared understood that we don't really get any trick or treaters and that I was just doing it as a precaution. Well they brought home 2 bags and all I can say is, it's almost gone and I have two very sick gentleman sitting next to me:).

Thank you for the Halloween Bib Jessie & Lenny!

A happy ladybug!

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