Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!!! Emily was very lucky because she had two costumes this year. On Friday she was a strawberry, courtesy of Nana Jo (pictures to follow) and today she was a ladybug and a mighty cute one if I may say so myself. We went to Main Street in town with some friends and walked around with the other little ghosts and goblins. It was really cute to see all of the cute costumes. The weather was kind of gross, but Emily fell asleep 10 minutes into the adventure anyway and missed the whole thing, not that I was surprised. Next year will be fun when she can actually collect candy for Andy and I to eat. This year we were forced to buy our own. After trick or treating I took the tired ladybug home while Jared and Andy went to the store for dinner. I told them to buy a little candy in case we got any trick or treaters. I'm not sure Jared understood that we don't really get any trick or treaters and that I was just doing it as a precaution. Well they brought home 2 bags and all I can say is, it's almost gone and I have two very sick gentleman sitting next to me:).

Thank you for the Halloween Bib Jessie & Lenny!

A happy ladybug!

Emmy 0, Mommy 2

YEA, Emmy has been napping in her crib for almost 2 hours as I begin to write this blog...I'll keep it short so I can get through it!

This past week has been amazing on the sleeping front. She has slept between 9-12 hours each night and I feel like a new person. It's so amazing to actually wake up on my own and have a few minutes if not a few hours to myself to get things done, it's great. At the beginning of the week I wasn't quite sure what to do with my time but that didn't last long. I hope next week to begin going back to the gym, wish me luck! Now that we had the long sleeping going at night I wasn't sure how the nap schedule was going to work. When she was waking up 1-2 times a night I had it down pretty well at what times she needed to nap during the day, but now she was throwing me for a loop. Well today I am SO proud to say she napped 2 hours this morning and is now, like I said, going on her second long nap of the day. She must be resting up for a big afternoon/evening of Trick or Treating! I think I might play Eye of the Tiger and run up and down my stairs (quietly of course) to celebrate my victory, YEA! It's amazing how something that seems so simple like a nap can cause me to jump for joy!!!

I'll post Halloween pictures later but until then I will enjoy some more quiet...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Picking Fun!

It's amazing to think that a year ago from this past Thursday we just found out we were expecting a baby and here we are today with a beautiful, happy 3 1/2 month old. My gosh, it's amazing what a difference a year can make!

We were so excited for Emily to get her first pumpkin and I personally couldn't wait to get some cider doughnuts. What a beautiful fall day!

Ready to go...check out those Nike's!

First time using the Baby Bjorn, she loved it!
Our little lamb

YAY, Aunt Mia joined us...
and Uncle Kris!
What is this, can I eat it?
Emmy and her pumpkin...look at that wind-blown hair

All smiles after a fun afternoon :)

My Feet, YAY, I found my feet!

Yesterday Emily got her foot in her mouth for the first time. She had been trying for days so she was very excited when she was finally succcessful! I have a feeling this is going to be her new favorite activity. Better keep those feet clean :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Blogging Slacker :(

I have been a blogging slacker lately, but not becuase I haven't wanted to write, but just because we have been so busy this month. After our trip to Yardley, we went to Ithaca for my 5th year reunion and then to Florida to see my parent's new condo. All of these wonderful adventures have kept me from writing as much as I have wanted to. Today, however, I have plenty of energy to write becuase Emily slept for 11 hours last night. I only slept for 7 and not in a row because Andy and I from 3:30AM on, were both getting up every hour or so to make sure she was still breathing, but heck that was more sleep than I have had in a LONG time. The longest she slept before this was 8 hours and that was well over a month ago so we were both shocked this morning. I'm hoping this will be the beginning of some longer nights!

Emily has been chatting up a storm lately and laughing more as well, which is so much fun. She discovered her feet the other day, and it has been very entertaining watching her figure out a way to get them in her mouth, or try and take off her sock. She lights up when Andy and I come in the room and it melts our hearts. We both know she recognizes us, but to see the smile when she hears our voices or sees our faces is really awesome. I didn't really know what it was going to be like to be a Mom (still shocks me to think that I am), but it has been amazing. Of course we could both use some more sleep and some more time to ourselves, but we wouldn't change a thing. She is the greatest gift we have both ever received!

A video of Emily laughing while we were in Ithaca - Fun Video!

We're leaving on a jet plane...

We came home late Sunday (actually Monday morning) from a trip to Florida with my parents and Jared. My parents just bought a condo in Florida so we had to check out the new place and get ourselves settled for future visits. We considered this our introductory visit. She was great on the plane (not that I was surprised) and even got her first set of "Jetblue Wings". I didn't even know they still had them, but I remember getting them on Delta when I was little, so it was so sweet of the flight attendant to give us some, they are definitely going in her baby book!

The condo is beautiful and the area is great and we are going to have so much fun down there. This trip was hard because Emily can't wear sunblock yet, so we couldn't go to the pool, but when we go back after Christmas right to the pool we go. She already has the cutest little bathing suit, so I can't wait!!! We spent the rest of the time eating, shopping and relaxing which was really nice. There are some great outlets down there which could be dangerous :) Now we just anxiously await our next trip down!

Ithaca reunion!

Two weekends ago, we went to Ithaca for my 5th year reunion with Mia, Kris, Lamb, & Jennie. We had the best time showing Emily all of our favorite restaurants and spots on campus, and of course the house my 5 girlfriends and I lived in our junior and senior year. She slept through most of it, but got a nice taste of some Ithaca weather (raining and gross in the morning, beautiful in the afternoon). She was so good, which gave Andy and I hope that we could continue to take trips in the future! We took lots of pictures to remember the weekend by, but here are a few...

She and monkey had a blast!

Emily and the girls!

Mom & Dad on campus

Andy showing Emily where he used to play football

Even happy in the car when we stopped

Showing her around campus

What a life, she was carried everywhere!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Emily's Pennsylvania Baby Naming

On Sunday we had Emily's Pennsylvania baby naming down in Yardley with family and friends. We lucked out and had the most beautiful day and were able to have the service outside on the patio. Emily was so good the whole service, especially considering it was her nap time. She made it through the whole service but at the end she had, had enough, plus it was time to eat. She started fussy a bit until everyone started singing Simen Tov u Mazel Tov - she loved all of the singing and clapping!

Andy and I choose the Hebrew name Rayah, which means beloved woman, friend. We choose an "R" name to honor my grandmother Ruth. I spoke with the Rabbi on Saturday to talk through the details of the service and he asked me if I could hope Emily would embody any of my grandmother's qualities what would I wish for. I told him simply, if Emily is anything like my grandmother I would be thrilled. She was always the most loving, caring and warm individual. She always saw the best in everyone and took great interest in what we were doing. She was very attentive and loved to play with us. She was wonderful and is greatly missed!

The Rabbi also mentioned that Emily's birth name is also in honor of a lot of wonderful people. We choose the name Emily in honor of Andy's sister, Emily and the middle name Madison in honor of my grandmother, Marie, and Andy's grandfather, Mervin and grandmother, Marion. She is one lucky girl!
All dressed and ready for her party!
Happy Family...

with Nana Jo, Sara & Papa Jimmy
Family & Friends

Andy & I doing a reading
Grandpa saying that meeting Emily was the "Happiest Day of his life"! So sweet!

Nana Jo doing a reading
Intently listening to the Rabbi :)

Rabbi Cove blessing Emily

First trip to Yardley!

We just got home yesterday from a wonderful trip to Yardley. It was Emily's first time meeting the Yardley crew and visiting Nana Jo and (Pjimmy, PJ, Papa Jimmy)'s house. She had a great time! Papa Jimmy was telling Emily stories about the family and she thought it was hilarious! We like to think she understood what he was saying and was laughing because she knew everything he was saying was true.

Emily was also SO lucky to have a chance to meet her Great Grandfather Irving. He was overjoyed and said meeting her was the "happiest day of his life." Emily was also thrilled because Grandpa was watching football, her favorite! She couldn't even take her eyes off of it long enough to face me for the picture.