Monday, April 25, 2011

Time Out Please!

So I am not a huge "time out" person unless I feel it's really necessary and there have only been a handful of times that I have used it (ie: when she hits her friends) but the other morning she was having a huge temper tantrum after breakfast because Andy and I wouldn't go in the other room and play with her. She always asks to play from the minute she is done eating and we usually tell her to wait a few minutes because we haven't eaten yet, we need to clean up, etc. She usually gets mad, but this morning she was extremely mad. Andy took her over to the front stairs and told her to sit there until she had calmed down. She would get up come back in the kitchen and cry but then go back down and sit. She finally calmed down, we all hugged and went on with our day.

Well yesterday morning right after breakfast the same thing happened. She finished eating, we hadn't yet had breakfast, she asked to play, we said in a few minutes and the tears started, but only for a few seconds this time. She looked at us, stopped said "stairs", "emmy, stairs". At first I couldn't understand what she was talking about, but then she walked right over to the front steps and put herself in time out. We couldn't help but burst into laughter (into our shirts of course)!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dancing in Yardley!

We just came back from Yardley, where Emmy and Andy stayed while I attended my friend Erin's Shower and Bachelorette. Emmy had a great time with PP, Nana & Sadie! One morning I even received this adorable video of their early morning dance party.

Emmy loved playing with Sadie, she even tried to imitate some of her dance moves!

We also stayed in town to celebrate the first night of Passover. We attended a seder at cousin Eric & Jill's house, which was very nice. Em loved all the food on the table, but was trying to eat everything from the seder plate from the minute we sat down. She was even a huge fan of the bitter herbs (aka parsley) dipped in salt water, she couldn't get enough. She kept asking for more and after each bite would yell, YUM! I guess Passover might be her holiday!

Pretty Toes :)

Last Tuesday, Sandra & I took Payton and Em to get their toes painted, or "written" as Emmy likes to call it. I was really surprised that she actually let the woman touch her because she is usually extremely shy, but she must have known this was a special kind of pampering. The girls picked out their colors - she choose a deep mauve, not exactly the light purple I had hoped for, but I smiled and let the lady paint her nails, complete with little flowers on the big toe. She understood the concept and sat like a little angel in the chair while her toes dried. For the next few days she couldn't wait to show off her pretty nails!

Park Fun!

We have finally had some nice days here, which is certainly a nice change! Em was SO excited to finally be able to go to the park and go down the slide (or "wee" as she likes to call it). We met Payton & Sandra there a few days ago and the girls had a blast. They both slept well that night, as you can tell by their faces how much running around they did. And, yes, she is rocking her new Ithaca is Gorges shirt I got her the weekend prior!