Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Doctor Visit

We had Emily's 15 month check-up today and all is great, or perfect as the doctor likes to say when explaining her! She weighs 23lbs 10oz and is 30 inches tall. That is about the 48th percentile for height and 68th for weight. She got 1 shot in the shoulder and didn't cry one bit, but that was probably because she was watching daddy pour puffs into her cup. But hey, who isn't distracted by food?!?! Here is the happy girl sitting on the scale waiting for the doctor!

Monday, September 27, 2010


A few weeks ago we were lucky enough to go to the Labor Day Parade in town. I was excited to take Emily for the first time but wasn't sure how she would react. We went with our friends and the girls had a great time. They loved watching all of the people and listening to the music. Though we couldn't make it until the end I would say it was a success; she was sleeping within seconds of getting into the car.

Em and her friend Sari

Pretending to be in the parade

wearing all the political stickers, she loved them!

A few randoms...

I love yogurt!

The Beach on East Hampton

Where is your ball? I don't know!


Have you seen anything cuter?!?!

Bath fun with cousin Julia in East Hampton...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Talk, Talk, Talk

So the talking continues and it's hilarious! I sometimes come into a room, and find Emily just babbling to herself, her doll or even Charlie, it's very cute.

She can now say Emmy and loves to say it when she wants something for herself. She is also very independent these days and is constantly saying "I do". One of her other recent favorites is "ahh jeez" and at first I wasn't sure where she got that from but apparently I have been saying it, who knew! Last popular word is "stuck" and she is or seems to be "stuck" a lot lately and the way she says it is adorable. I find myself sometimes asking her a few times, what's wrong just to hear her say "stuck" over and over again. I can't help it!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A little update...

It's been a while since I have posted and I have a bunch of pictures that I need to upload but in the meantime I thought I would let you know what's been going on in our little world. We have had a busy few weeks and since coming home from Maine we took a trip with Mimi and Papa to East Hampton to visit Uncle Jared and our cousins and aunt and uncle. The weather was beautiful and we had lots of fun sitting by the pool, visiting the beach and eating, what would a vacation be without gaining 5 pounds! We went to our town labor day parade (pictures to follow) and hosted our friends for my 10th year high school reunion. We have been busy, but having lots of fun.

Since this is Emily's blog I guess I should update you on what she has been doing lately :) Her language has exploded over the past few days. She is now trying to repeat almost every word we are saying and if she doesn't try to say it you can tell she is thinking about it. Her favorite words now are Baby, Ball, Dirty & BB for Blueberry. I guess it's time to watch what we say!
She has also started copying hand gestures, actions, expressions, etc. It's very fun because now I realize some of the actions that I do that I didn't even realize. The other day I was telling a friend a story when I looked down and noticed Emily moving her hands around and nodding as I was talking. I hadn't even realized I was even talking with my hands.
If I point to something and ask her to get it, she points and walks right towards it. She understands so much these days, it's scary because I sometimes don't understand how she even knows what I am talking about. I guess kids really are sponges.
I will get all the pictures up soon, but for now here is a little taste of what we have been "dealing" with lately...

I guess I put the Puffs on too low of a shelf in the pantry because as I was making dinner I turned around to hear laughter and a smiling girl with her hand in the container.

Emily Says Baby!

She loves to stand on her tip toes!