Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We've Moved!!!

We can now be found on The Sachs Family Blog! Click below to keep following along...

With Love,


Thursday, September 15, 2011

My little Monkey!

Emmy LOVES animals and is really into making animal sounds these days. While I was out of town this weekend, I guess she and daddy perfected the donkey, which I had personally never thought to teach her, which is funny because we drive by a farm just a few miles from our house everyday and she loves to look at them. Check out the video of her cute little sounds!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Singing Girl!

Miss Emmy has really been into singing lately. She has started to remember a few songs like Old McDonald & Twinkle, Twinkle, so she loves to belt out a tune from time to time. Yesterday I caught her singing while I was making her dinner, so I quickly grabbed my phone so I could capture it on video. I had to keep pretending I was checking my email because she kept saying CHEESE (guess I take a lot of pictures) - such a ham she is! Click below to check it out...

Spending Time with Sadie!

Sara (otherwise known in our house as Sadie) came to visit for a few days before she and Nana & PP headed up to Maine. It was the first time Sara came by herself and it was a fun visit. Andy happened to be out of town for a day so we had a lot of girl time. We went out to ice creams, dinners, made trips to the park, visited friends and even took a trip into the city to meet Corey's (Jared's girlfriends) parents. Emmy loved having Sadie around and so did I! Here are some highlights from the trip.

Playing at the Park

LOTS of Tea Parties!

Hugs for Sadie at Brunch :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Shopping & Babies!

Miss Em LOVES her babies and she loves to pretend she's going shopping. She especially likes to tell us, she's taking Daddy's car, going shopping or to Emma's house (if you remember, Emma is her imagination friend, who she still ADORES). She loves her babies so much that she even loves to sleep with them. Andy loves to call her the octomom because at any given time there can be at least 3-6 babies in her bed. Thankfully they are small so it still leaves her plenty of room to stretch out.

Today she piled all the dolls in a shopping cart and did her thing. Seeing her do this gave me an idea for our trip later that day to the grocery store. I remembered that they have the small carts for the kids and I had always thought she was too little, but after today I thought why not! When I told her she could push one she got so excited. I then later realized I might regret this decision because the girl is such a creature of habit, that I might have created a monster for when I really need to do a big shop, but I decided her smile was all worth it! She pushed her cart with such glee, stopping each time I needed to put something in and even managed not to knock over one display or run into anyone's feet - I would say that's a successful first trip!

If you look closely you'll see a baby in this shopping cart too!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Playing with Friends

Watching Em and her friends is so much fun to watch! They usually parallel play, but more and more they are starting to play together. They are silly, sneaky and sweet all within a matter of 5 minutes. They are starting to have conversations with one another, Emmy is beginning to remember more and more of their names, even asking for specific people which is really cool. For a little glimpse into the lives of two 2 year olds, please check out the video below...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Let the training begin...or I guess continue!

So Emmy has been asking to use the potty here and there for the past few weeks. She had some M&M's while we were at the Cape and those seem to be doing the trick. She goes through days where she is totally into it and days when she's not. I'm still not pushing her because she's little, but it certainly does make life a little easier. We are also taking advantage of the fact that it's summer and she can run free in her birthday suit. Some of the perks for me are being able to stare at a really cute tushy all morning long! We recently bought some pull-ups and I was explaining that we don't go pee pee or poop in our pull-ups, which she kind of understands, but we are still working on. She has started singing a really cute, no pee, pee or poop in the pull-up song that I'll work on videotaping soon. Until then, you can enjoy the tushy below :)